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Our KISS Packing List

After travelling 8,000kms, what items did we find useful?

We live by the KISS (keep it simple stupid) principal, things works best if kept simple rather than made complicated and less is more.

  • A Cameron camper trailer!
  • Annexe floor Matting. Great to walk on, doesn’t kill the grass or get mouldy and prevents tracking sand and dirt inside camper. Can be brought from Cameron Campers.
  • Hot water shower unit. No leaks, is portable, lightweight, no installation costs, packs anywhere and quick to heat up to have a 10 minute shower – a real KISS item! Can be brought from Cameron Campers.
  • Floatable boat and oars – takes up no room, is light to carry and the kids love using it.
  • Porta Potty to save the environment (too many places is ruined by unsightly half buried toilet paper waste)
  • Shovel with long handle (for digging vehicle out of bogged situations).
  • MAXTRAX vehicle recovery. It works every time.
  • Folding Shovel for number 2’s.
  • One piece table with folding legs – quick and easy to set up.
  • 4 folding chairs (the kids love the moon chairs as its like a lounge chair and you can curl up in it).
  • A $2 cheap as chips bag for dirty clothes. Can be squashed and packed anywhere or hanged up on hook to free up the floor.
  • Pegless clothesline under the Cameron road cover (we leave it permanently there to hang up clothes instantly if on the move, no pegs required).
  • Long rope for hanging up washing if trees nearby and pegs.
  • Jar full of $1 and $2 coins for washing clothes at a laundry.
  • We got fed up with waiting for a free washing machine.. We have a large bucket with a waterproof lid (Bunnings has these) for washing. We find as we go 4wdriving, the clothes are washed with the movement of the camper. Throw in some river rocks, plastic spiky toy balls to help circulate the washing while on the go. Also the bucket is useful for carting water from the river or tap or for washing the car etc. KISS!
  • Washing powder sachets
  • Fat catcher for Cameron Campers BBQ plate (small 125g spaghetti tin works well).
  • Large chammy cloths (quick drying) is perfect as tea towels (buy from hardware stores). We also have extra large chammy towels for showers etc as they dry within the day unlike cotton beach towels which takes ages to dry.
  • Thongs for showers
  • Heavy duty truck pump with long hose to easily pump up tyres when back on the black top (reduce waiting times to keep the missus happy).
  • Accurate gauge for checking tyre pressure.
  • Air Blowgun for getting rid of dust on camper before we set up.
  • 12 volt electric blanket for those cold nights. Can use in camper or in the vehicle and it plugs into a cigarette lighter socket. No need for expensive heat pumps (or 50 blankets!) which can take up lots of room.
  • We never ever need a generator. A solar panel with battery that is recharged by the vehicle works great. Can be brought from Cameron Campers.
  • Swags are great for kids, simply leave bedding and pyjamas in them and roll up and roll out, easy. Can be brought from Cameron Campers.
  • We love our unique portable sink, simply carry to the water’s edge or tap and fill. Dump water wherever. No mess in kitchen and does not take up valuable kitchen bench top. A KISS item. Can be brought from Cameron Campers.
  • We have a ‘fire’ box which contains all matches, firelighters, kindling, newspapers etc.
  • Reef shoes for creek crossings etc.
  • Mat for feet or going underneath camper or car for emergency stops
  • Rawleigh antiseptic salve – excellent for insect bites.
  • 600w rice cooker. Turn it on and forget (we plug it into an 240v invertor with battery system).
  • Camp Oven for those nights when chilling by the camp fire.
  • Small garden spray botlle for washing hands (especially after crawling underneath car or camper).
  • Wet ones are always handy.
  • Head torches frees up your hands to do other things.
  • Good maps showing rest areas, dump points, rubbish tips, fuel (Wiki camps app is good).
  • Vacuum pack perishable food i.e. meat to keep it fresh longer.
  • Square 3 x cooking pots that fit inside each other with clip on handle. It fits better in drawers with no awkward handles for packing.
  • Good books & coffee perculator for fire (thanks for the tip Trudye :-))


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Chinese Campers THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY

Roam Magazine – Issue 24 2016 | 2017
Read the Full Article Here >

“In 2007 the online forum for camper trailer enthusiasts,, suddenly found a third of its one million hits per month were coming from China.
Who goes camping in China? It seemed an inexplicable piece of data. Then came the first wave of Chinese-built campers. This explained the interest from China: they were taking our ideas to include in their products. The first examples landing here were diabolically bad. Welds were terrible, engineering questionable and component choice poor. They seemed to fall apart while you looked at them. The outback soon became littered with their bones. This was compounded by poor or non-existent after-sales service, often from importers who knew little of the product or its use. They were simply importing and selling “stuff”.

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Australian Canvas is the best in the world

Australian Canvas is the best in the world

Australian Canvas is the best in the world – and yes, Canvas is still made in Australia.

Wax Converters Textiles is the leading canvas manufacturer and is based in the Hunter Valley of NSW. They produce their canvas using the DYNAPROOFED process.

Made for Australia Conditions

Dynaproofed Australian Canvas The Dynaproofed range of canvas fabrics are tried and proven with many customers still having camper trailer and caravan tents performing well for over 20 years. This is due to only the highest quality ingredients being used for manufacturing with UV Stabilisers, Colour Pigment, rot proofing agents, mildew inhibitors, acrylic binders and water proofing waxes all scientifically and carefully selected. With Australia being the harshest outdoor environment in the world – other canvas manufacturers based in Europe, America and/or Asia do not require such high standards for their canvas to perform in their local markets. This means that their fabrics are not really suitable for the Australian climate.

Dynaproofed Canvas is produced to achieve 2 performance properties:
1. Keeping the rain out during storms, and
2. Allowing airflow inside the tent in hot and tropical environments. Thus, no condensation inside the tent.

The 2 aspects are not readily achievable and have come about with technically superior weaving constructions and production processes that WCT has developed over decades of canvas manufacturing.


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Warnings: Trailer Ball Weight, Breaking Chassis, Canvas


Warning on Trailer Ball Weight

There is ample evidence that the ball weight on imported forward fold campers often far exceeds the maximum allowed of the towing vehicle and therefore is illegal to tow and voids insurance in the event of an accident.

Specifications on these campers neglect to state the ball weight and sales people often under state the ball weight.
The design of forward fold campers locates the axle near the rear of the trailer and with tool and fridge boxes, jerry can holders and gas bottle holders on the drawbar making the ball weight excessive particularly when loaded.

Reports from a number of very unhappy customers is that the actual ball weight when loaded is more than 250kg thus exceeding the allowed ball weight of the towing vehicle And refusing to refund the purchase price.

Warning on Breaking Chassis

Reports of suspension and chassis failures on imported campers are increasing.
This is not unexpected as experience from many former users of Chinese steel is that it can be brittle and fails under vibrations caused by outback conditions particularly corrugations. Australian steel is equal or better to the best in the World.

Investment in a Guild members product may cost more but consider it an investment for reliability, peace of mind and resale value.

Warning on Canvas

The most important component of a camping trailer is the tent because if it leaks can ruin a holiday.
Tests carried out on a number of samples of Chinese can as by the CSIRO and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology show that the canvas is far short of Australian Standards.


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Camper Trailer Buying Guide – Tips and Hints

Q. What is the most important component in a camper trailer?
A. The canvas tent.

Q. Why?
A. If it leaks or has condensation or mildew problems a holiday can be ruined and the camper is not fit for the purpose.

Q. How do I know if the canvas is fit for the purpose?
A. It should comply to the Australian standard for canvas AS 2001.2.18.1987 which is also the military standard.

Q. How do I know if the canvas meets this standard?
A. Australian canvas manufactured by Wax Converters, Bradmil and Defab meets this standard.

Q. Does imported Chinese canvas meet this standard?
A. Tests by the RMIT carried out on the canvas of three-leading importers of Chinese campers show each is very similar and falls far short of the Australian standard.

Q. What are the main tests for waterproofness?
A. The cone test. Results, Australian canvas leaks less than 1 ml. Chinese canvas leaked in the RMIT tests an average of 54ml.

Q. Is there another waterproofness test?
A. The hydrostatic head test.
A. Australian canvas averaged 53 KPA
Chinese canvas averaged 6 KPA

Q. Is imported 14 Oz ripstop canvas really 14 oz?
A. CSIRO tests carried out on typical Chinese canvas claimed to be 14 oz averaged only 11 to 11.2 oz.

Q. How do I know if the canvas is Australian?
A. Read the labels sewn into the tent.

Q. Does the canvas appearance indicate quality?
A. No. The performance properties are invisible. Only prescribed tests will give the answer. e.g. UV stability.

After studying the test results of imported Chinese canvas RMIT textile department have issued a report that the three samples of imported Chinese canvas supplied do not comply with the Australian standard AS 2001.2.18.1987

Based on these results expert opinion is that Australian canvas is far superior to the imported canvas of three leading Camper Trailer importers and based on these results the Chinese canvas is not fit for the purpose for camper trailer tents.

Conclusion – A purchaser can have complete confidence in purchasing a camper from a Guild member knowing that the canvas is Australian made and conforms to the Australian standard.


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Imported Chinese Canvas fails CSIRO tests

The Australian Manufactured Camper Trailers Guild (AMCTG), your true assurance of quality has released an press release outlining how imported chinese canvas fails CSIRO tests. The purpose of the AMCTG is to help guide consumers of the pitfalls that can cause your family dreams and ‘trip of a lifetime’ to be ruined ending in disaster.
