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Chinese Campers THE GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY

Roam Magazine – Issue 24 2016 | 2017
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“In 2007 the online forum for camper trailer enthusiasts,, suddenly found a third of its one million hits per month were coming from China.
Who goes camping in China? It seemed an inexplicable piece of data. Then came the first wave of Chinese-built campers. This explained the interest from China: they were taking our ideas to include in their products. The first examples landing here were diabolically bad. Welds were terrible, engineering questionable and component choice poor. They seemed to fall apart while you looked at them. The outback soon became littered with their bones. This was compounded by poor or non-existent after-sales service, often from importers who knew little of the product or its use. They were simply importing and selling “stuff”.